Updates — Security Circle has been added finally!
1. Security Circle has been added:
A total of 7 team members can be added to the Security Circle: your basic rate will get increased by 20% for 1 active member, 40% for 2, 60% for 3, 80% for 4, 100% for 5 or more than 5 members(currently rate is 0.2bee/hr).
Must be an active user, otherwise the basic rate will not be increased
If members are added from mobile phone contact, it’s phone number must be registered on Bee Network App(reminder: if you couldn’t add the number, it means that person hasn’t register the mobile phone number on Bee Network)
To add from contact, the phone must be inserted with the SM card that use for saving the number.
To add from contacts, the format must use +(country code)-(mobile phone number)
If the user does not appear right after you save the phone number, it’s just due to the server delay, please log out and log in again after a few minutes. (Do not repeat the operation!)
2. Google and Wechat sign-in has been integrated
3. Bee Network Discord is now OPEN for discussion